Пословица "Forbearance is no acquittance" с переводом
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Другие английские пословицы на букву F
- Far from eye, far from heart
- For the love of the game
- Follow the river and you'll get to the sea
- False friends are worse than open enemies
- Fish and company stink in three days
- Fools and madmen speak the truth
- Feast today and fast tomorrow
- First catch your hare
- Fools may sometimes speak to the purpose
- Fasting comes after feasting
- Forewarned is forearmed
- Faults are thick where love is thin
- Fair words break no bones
- Forbidden fruit is sweet
- Four eyes see more (better) than two
- Fortune is easily found, but hard to be kept
- First deserve and then desire
- Fine words butter no parsnips
- From bad to worse
- Fools never know when they are well
- Fish begins to stink at the head
- From pillar to post
- Fools grow without watering
- Fine feathers make fine birds
- Fool's haste is no speed
- Friends are thieves of time
- Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
- Faint heart never won fair lady
- First think, then speak
- Fair without, foul (false) within
- Fortune favours the brave (the bold)
- First come, first served
- Facts are stubborn things
- Familiarity breeds contempt