Пословица "No longer pipe, no longer dance" с переводом
Перевод на русский язык
Кончилась музыка, кончились и танцы. Смысл: мне ничего, то и от меня ничего. Относится к корыстным людям, которые резко меняют свое отношение к тем, из кого они больше не могут извлечь выгоду.Пример употребления (предложение)
Изжил нужду, забыл и дружбу. Пироги (скатерть) со стола, друзья со двора.Сохранить себе или поделиться:
Другие английские пословицы на букву N
- Nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it
- Never try to prove what nobody doubts
- No news (is) good news
- Neck or nothing
- New brooms sweep clean
- No wisdom like silence
- Need makes the old wife trot
- Neither fish nor flesh
- Nothing so bad, as not to be good for something
- Never cackle till your egg is laid
- No joy without alloy
- No song, no supper
- Never write what you dare not sign
- Nightingales will not sing in a cage
- No great loss without some small gain
- Necessity knows no law
- No flying from fate
- Never cast dirt into that fountain of which you have sometime drunk
- Neither rhyme nor reason
- No sweet without (some) sweat
- Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas
- None so blind as those who won't see
- Nothing is impossible to a willing heart
- No man loves his fetters, be they made of gold
- Necessity is the mother of invention
- No living man all things can
- New lords, new laws
- Never do things by halves
- Nothing venture, nothing have
- No pains, no gains
- No garden without its weeds
- Neither here nor there
- Never put off till tomorrow what you can do (can be done) today
- Name not a rope in his house that was hanged
- No man is wise at all times
- Never quit certainty for hope
- Nothing succeeds like success
- None so deaf as those that won't hear
- None but the brave deserve the fair
- Never too much of a good thing
- Needs must when the devil drives
- No herb will cure love
- Never fry a fish till it's caught
- Never offer to teach fish to swim