Пословица "Shallow streams make most din" с переводом
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Самый большой шум производят мелкие потоки.Пример употребления (предложение)
Пустая бочка пуще гремит. Где река глубже, там она меньше шумит. Где река мельче, там она больше шумит.Сохранить себе или поделиться:
Другие английские пословицы на букву S
- Success is never blamed
- Salt water and absence wash away love
- Set a thief to catch a thief
- Stolen pleasures are sweetest
- Sink or swim!
- Such carpenters, such chips
- Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings
- Saying and doing are two things
- Stretch your legs according to the coverlet
- Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
- Self done is well done
- Small rain lays great dust
- Slow and steady wins the race
- Stuff today and starve tomorrow
- Since Adam was a boy
- So many men, so many minds
- Set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the devil
- Slow but sure
- Silence gives consent
- Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach
- Score twice before you cut once
- Soft fire makes sweet malt
- Strike while the iron is hot
- Soon learnt, soon forgotten
- Self is a bad counsellor
- Speech is silver but silence is gold
- Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
- Self-praise is no recommendation
- Sweep before your own door
- Speak (talk) of the devil and he will appear (is sure to appear)
- Self done is soon done
- Six of one and half a dozen of the other
- Still waters run deep
- Soon ripe, soon rotten
- So many countries, so many customs
- Short debts (accounts) make long friends
- Standers-by see more than gamesters