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Урок на тему "Tag questions - Разделительные вопросы" для детей

Интерактивные задания на английском на отработку разделительных вопросов для детей 4, 5, 6 классов с автопроверкой. Worksheets for kids "tag questions"
Катя english Lessons for the catalogue
Урок добавлен 12.12.24, 6 интерактивных упражнений.

Part 1

Match sentences with pictures
She's going to win, isn't she?
He looks happy, doesn't he?
That was a big meal, wasn't it?
It's cold today, isn't it?
He can't get it, can he?
We haven't met before, have we?
Choose the correct tag
Choose the correct answer
1. She [is/was*] swimming, wasn't she?
2. Philip [hasn't phoned*/didn't phone], has he?
3. Jane [plays/played*] tennis, didn't she?
4. It [is going to/will work*], won't it?
5. They [can't/couldn't*] do it, could they?
6. You [are eating/eat*] fish, don't you?
7. He [isn't going to leave*/hasn't left], is he?
8. This programme [is*/was] interesting, isn't it?
9. You [are not leaving*/won't leave], are you?
Choose the tag and create the question
For example: You walk to school, don't you?

If you have used the tag, cross it out
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