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Pronouns (possessive and abridgements) — тест по английскому языку

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Степан english Тесты
Урок добавлен 19.07.24, 1 интерактивное упражнение.

Раздел 1

Traffic is a big problem in London which is full of people [its / who's / their / whose*] homes and families can be located quite far away.

[It's* / There / Their / Its] easy to play football, I can teach you.

Tourists enjoy watching monkeys climbing on [their* / theirs / there / they're] cars.

I love Croatia with [their / its* / it's / there] crystal-clear sea and wonderful white sand.

Please send us [then / there / your* / you're] comments and suggestions.

The train had all [there / their / its* / it's] windows broken.

[Its / Who's* / Whose / It's] taken my cup again?

[Then / You're* / There / Your] so pale, what happened?

[It's / There / Their* / Its] love grew stronger by the day and then Maisie was born, a healthy, cute baby.

Music is my life. [Their / Its / There / It's*] all I want to do.

Sorry for being late, the way here took longer [it / there / than* / then] I expected.

Companies are offering more services [there / it / than* / then] ever.

Please take my bags to my room. [There / Their / Theirs / They're*] in the car.

[It's / Their / There* / Its] are many interesting places to visit in St. Petersburg.

Do you see these policemen? [It's / There / They're* / Their] looking for you.

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