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Bank, shore, coast, beach, seaside — тест по английскому языку

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Степан english Тесты
Урок добавлен 19.07.24, 1 интерактивное упражнение.

Раздел 1

Amused, we were watching as the old man was trying to climb up the river [beach / bank* / seaside / coast] .

American East [bank / coast* / strand / beach] includes such cities as Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Washington, Atlanta and Miami.

Our hotel has its own 5-star restaurant and private sandy [strand / bank / beach* / shore] .

Our tour offers an unforgettable vacation on the [banks / strands / beach / shores*] of the Mediterranean.

Germany has many beautiful places. There are great cities and small villages, huge lakes, sea [beaches / shores* / strands / seasides] and forests, wide rivers and Alpine valleys.

Small round stones on sea shores are called [shore / strand / beach* / bank] .

To reach the opposite [beach / seaside / coast / bank*] of the river you'll have to cross a strong stream.

St. Lucie County is a rapidly growing area on the east [bank / coast* / strand / beach] of south Florida.

Don't worry, there is nothing to be afraid of in this sleepy [bank / beach / strand / seaside*] town.

According to meteorologists, the tsunami will reach the [strand / beach / bank / coast*] in 2 hours.

The [strand / bank / beach / coastal*] area around Santa Barbara, California, is very popular among tourists.

Tomorrow we will visit Lefkas, one of small Greek islands; it has golden sandy [shores / strands / beaches* / banks] , mountainous scenery and clear blue sea.

My grandparents live in a house on the [seaside / strand / shore* / beach] of a small lake.

Once it was a small fishing village, today it is a modern [strand / seaside* / bank / beach] resort.

My god, you are so tanned! Did you spend all the summer on a [bank / beach* / strand / shore] ?

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