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Wage, salary, stipend, fee, royalties — тест по английскому языку

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Степан english Тесты
Урок добавлен 19.07.24, 1 интерактивное упражнение.

Раздел 1

Timothy, the carpenter, spends his [wages* / royalties / fees / stipends / salaries] unwisely. A fool and his money are soon parted.

Train drivers are demanding higher [salaries / royalties / stipends / fees / wages*] .

Pam was able to earn good [stipends / fees / salaries / wages* / royalties] doing a full-time job at a souvenir factory.

George is a magistrate and he gets his [salary / wage / royalty / stipend* / fee] for the work.

Wanda pinches pennies not because she is thrifty, but because her [royalty / salary* / fee / wage / stipend] is very small.

Mrs. Marshall is a teacher; her [wage / royalty / stipend / salary* / fee] is not very high.

Mike's [salaries / stipends / wages* / royalties / fees] vary slightly from week to week because of a bonus.

Bus drivers threatened to go on strike if they don't receive better [stipends / wages* / fees / salaries / royalties] .

In that remote miners' town Dr. Manson's [wages / royalties / stipends / fees* / salaries] were uncommonly small.

The minimum [royalty / stipend / salary / wage* / fee] for the workers in the ship-building industry is 0 a week.

The business consultant was engaged for a [stipend / wage / fee* / salary / royalty] of 00.

Jane couldn't afford to pay the solicitor's [stipend / fee* / salary / wage / royalty] .

In England public school [stipends / salaries / royalties / fees* / wages] are now so high that only a small minority of parents can afford to send their children there.

During my medical practice I received [stipend* / salary / wage / fee / royalty] for odd jobs I was doing.

[Wage / Fee / Royalty / Stipend* / Salary] is defined as 'fixed periodical money allowance for work done'.

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