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Урок на тему "Agreeing, disagreeing and opinions"

Упражнения и задания на английском на отработку фраз, которые помогут высказать своё мнение, а также согласиться и не согласиться с собеседником (agreeing, disagreeing, opinions). Уровень pre-intermediate - intermediate
Катя english Lessons for the catalogue
Урок добавлен 11.01.25, 4 интерактивных упражнения.

Раздел 1

What/ do/ you/ think/ of/ his/ new/ book/?

How/ do/ you/ feel/ about/ working/ with/ the/ others/?

Personally,/ I think/ Helena/ was/ probably/ right/
In/ my/ opinion,/ we/ need/ to change/ the direction/ of/ the company
I/ totally /agree/ with/ you

I/ agree/ with/ you/ to/ a/ certain/ extent

I/ see/ what/ you/ mean,/ but/ it/ looks/ a bit/ empty
Choose the correct option
1. What do you think [on/of*] this movie?
2. Personally, I [think*/am thinking] she shouldn't stay up late.
3. Personally, I [don’t think it’s*/think it’s not] a good idea.
4. [On/In*] my opinion, motorbikes are dangerous.
5. [The newspaper says*/It’s written in the newspaper] that his death was not an accident.
6. According [to*/from] the paper, the government didn’t know about it.
7. [Do*/Are] you agree?
8. I agree to some [extant/extent*], but we should look for a better solution.
Complete the dialogues.
A: Did you think he was right in what he said?
B: Not completely, but I
agreed with him.

A: What did you think
the film?
B: Well,
, I didn’t like it.

A: Do you agree with her?
B: Yes, to a certain

A: She feels very
about protecting the environment.
B: Yes, I know, and I think she’s absolutely

, I think all politicians tell lies.
B: Sorry, but I

A: We can’t send everyone to university.
B: Yes, that’s
, but we should give everyone a chance to go.

A: My
is that we should make all chocolate and sweets more expensive, and then people couldn’t afford to eat so many things that are bad for them.
B: That’s a good
, but it seems unfair on people who don’t eat too many sweet things.

A: I see what you
about spending more money, but can we afford it?
B: Well, in my
we have no choice.
Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Keep a similar meaning.
1. I think you’re right. (agree) - I
2. I think the club needs new players. (opinion) -
the club needs new players.
3. I completely disagree with you. (at all) - I
4. The newspaper says the fire was started on purpose. (according) -
, the fire was started on purpose.
5. I partly agree with her. (extent) - I agree with her

6. I see what you mean, but I’m not sure I agree. (point) - I
that's a
, but I’m not sure I agree.
Respond to the statements with your own opinion.
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