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Урок по сериалу "Wednesday" (Halloween) для подростков

Разбор первой серии "Wednesday" с видео для подростков и взрослых. Интерактивные упражнения с автопроверкой для уровня intermediate и выше
Катя english Lessons for the catalogue
Урок добавлен 11.10.24, 8 интерактивных упражнений.

Раздел 1

Посмотрите первый отрывок, не ставьте на паузу. Просто попробуйте понять о чем идет речь. Не волнуйтесь, если что-то непонятно - мы со всем разберемся!
Составьте фразы. Можно вернуться к видео и пересмотреть
put hundreds of adolescents
the sadism
run by people whose dreams
I admire
emotion equals
to me
pull yourself
confess to my brother
I'm not about to
plagued by
in underfunded schools
were crushed years ago
leave this
На всякий случай проверим перевод некоторых фраз
twisted idea
без предупреждения
возьми себя в руки
underfunded schools
школы с недостаточным финансированием
dreams were crushed
я не собираюсь признаваться
emotion equals weakness
предоставь это мне
pull yourself together
мечты были разрушены
I'm not about to confess
I've been plagued by visions
эмоции равняются слабости
without warning
меня мучают видения
leave this to me
извращенная идея
А вот второй отрывок. Смотрим и наслаждаемся томным голосом Кэтрин Зета-Джонс

Перевод некоторых фраз:
- giving a cold shoulder - холодно относиться, игнорировать
- viper - гадюка
- following in your footsteps - идти по твоим стопам
- fencing team - команда по фехтованию
- peers - сверстники
- nauseous - вызывающий тошноту
- expel - исключить (из школы)
- attempted murder - покушение на убийство
В этом задании встречаются предложения из обоих отрывков. Будьте внимательны, там есть лишние слова!
Посмотрите отрывок, где они делят комнату. Распределите фразы на 2 группы: фразы, которые были в отрывке и фразы, которых там не было
В этом задании нужно составить не половинки, а обмен фразами между Тайлером и Уэнсдей (вопрос - ответ/реакция)
Holy crap! Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?
I don't have a phone.
It's four shots of espresso.
Then you're out of luck.
All we have is drip
What's wrong with your machine?
It's a temperamental beast with a mind of its own
Wait, you read Italian?
But drip is for people who hate themselves
Uh, no taxis in Jericho. Try Uber?
Yeah, I know what a quad is
I refuse to be a slave to technology.
It's more of a hobby.
Where you going anyway?
That's on a need-to-know basis.
I didn't catch your name, or is that on a need-to-know basis too?
I'll make it 40.
How about I drive you to Burlington?
Perfect. Put that quad in a to-go cup.
Twenty whole dollars... Tempting, but no.
Of course. It's the native tongue of Machiavelli.
Впишите пропуски
- How the
did you get that
out the window?
- I had an
- Whoa. Where's the
of him?
- It's one of the great Addams family
. Why aren't you
- Because I can't. It's all I got. My mom says some wolves are
, but I've been to the best Lycanologist. I had to fly to Milwaukee,
? Yeah, she says there's a
never...you know.
Разгадай загадки от AI в стиле сериала "Wednesday"
I know life’s falling apart faster than a zombie on a hot day, but perhaps it’s time to pick up the pieces. Literally. What am I telling you to do?
Like a raven swooping down in the dead of night, I arrive when least expected. No heads up, no knock on the door—just chaos. How do I show up?
On a need-to-know basis
Ah yes, those delightful creatures you’re forced to coexist with. They're as strange as you, but somehow you’re stuck in the same swamp. What are they?
Give a cold shoulder
When words are simply too much effort and warmth is overrated, I turn away in icy silence. It’s my favorite way to show I care. What do I do?
Follow in footsteps
Not everything that crawls from the mind is sweet. Some thoughts are more... tangled, like a vine that squeezes the life out of its host. What kind of idea is that?
Twisted idea
They say the path has already been walked, but I’d rather trample over the past. Still, some like to repeat history—right where the footprints lead. What am I doing?
Pull yourself together
Your plan failed, your fortune’s gone, and that black cat didn’t help. Fate has turned its back on you. What are you now?
Out of luck
Secrets are fun, especially when I’m the one keeping them. I could tell you, but let’s be honest—you’re better left in the dark. How do I decide what to tell you?
Without warning
Ответьте на 2-3 вопроса 
1. When was the last time you had to pull yourself together during a tough situation, and how did you manage it?
2. Has something ever happened to you without warning that completely changed your plans? How did you handle it?
3. Do you get along well with your peers, or do you feel like you're different from them in some way?
4. Have you ever given someone the cold shoulder, and if so, what led to it?
5. What's the most twisted or unconventional idea you've ever had? Did you act on it?
6. Is there anyone whose footsteps you feel pressured to follow? How do you feel about it?
7. Have you ever felt completely out of luck, like everything was going wrong? How did you turn things around?
8. Do you prefer to keep certain things on a need-to-know basis, even with close friends or family? Why?
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