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Урок на тему "Предлоги места. Prepositions of place" для детей

Готовый план урока с упражнениями на английском для детей с предлогами at, in, on a также другими предлогами места: under, behind, above и т.д.
Катя english Lessons for the catalogue
Урок добавлен 24.10.24, 7 интерактивных упражнений.


Выбери предлог at, in или on
1. Leave your books [in/at/on*] the table
2. You've got paint [in/at/on*] your arms!
3. There's some milk [in*/at/on] the fridge.
4. He works [at*/on] the new university.
5. It was very dark [in*/at/on] the forest.
6. They live [in*/at/on] Brazil.
7. Don't put your bag [in/at/on*] the ground! It's wet!
8. Kelly's [at*/on] school.
9. Are you [in*/at/on] this photo?
10. I'll see you [in/at*/on] the bus stop at eight o'clock.
11. Let's sit [in/at/on*] the grass.
12. Room 3 is [in/at*/on] the top of the building.
13. There's some writing [in/at/on*] the ceiling.
Посмотри на картинку и допиши пропущенные предлоги
1. She's
the car.
2. It's
the car.
3. They're
the bus stop.
4. It's
the painting.
5. It's
the painting.
6. He's
the newspaper.
7. They're
a tennis match.
8. She's
Послушай аудиозапись про картинку и выбери True или False. Первые 2 предложения в аудиозаписи - это примеры и ответы к ним есть на картинке (они не участвуют в упражнении ниже)
Подставь предлоги в вопросы и ответь на них
- Have you got anything in your pockets?
- Yes, I've got some money and a tissue.

1. Do you ever write [in/at/on*] your hands?
2. Have you got a T-shirt with a picture [in/at/on*] it? What's the picture?
3. Who in your family is [in/at*/on] work at the moment?
4. When were you last [in/at*/on] the cinema or theatre?
5. What's [in*/at/on] your bag?
6. Do you listen to music [in*/at/on] your bedroom?
7. Have you ever been [in/at/on*] TV?
8. When you're [in/at*/on] home where do you play? Where do you do your homework? Where do you eat breakfast?
9. Do any of your friends or family members live [in*/at/on] Australia?
10. Is anyone in your family [in/at*/on] university?
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