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Предлагаю разобрать одну из сказок Fixed Fairy Tales. А именно, The Princess and the Pea.

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Упражнения к видео


overly picky  
never mind  
woe is me!  
 give up  


How this story should have ended?  
Don’t despair.  
The soggiest, muddiest, least princess-iest looking young woman he had ever seen.  
This is the only way.  
Very promising bags under her red swollen eyes.  
What is wrong with you people?  


___ Princess and ___ Pea is ___ interesting story. ____ overly picky Prince determined to find a true ___ princess and ____ pea in ____ bed... uhh never mind anyway! Odd tale indeed. Let's look at how this ___ story should have ended. Shall we?

— Oh Mother. I fear I shall never find ____ true princess that is truly true and now it's beginning to rain. Woe is me.
— Don't despair my darling dear, you deserve ___ princess as true as can be.

And while __ picky prince was at his whiniest and the storm had reached its stormiest... There came ___ knock at ____ castle's front door. ____ Prince opened ___ door to find ___ soggiest, muddiest, least princess-iest looking young woman he had ever seen.
___ next morning at ___ breakfast ___ prince and ___ Queen anxiously awaited ___ arrival of ___ princess. Finally, she dragged herself down ___ stairs with what ___ Prince thought were very promising bags under ___ her red, swollen eyes.
And she did find someone nicer. They lived happily ever after and never ate ___ peas. So, ___ moral of ___ story... Always be nice to people... and don't hide your vegetables under ___ bed.



The Princess and the Pea is an interesting story. The overly picky Prince determined to find a true princess and the pea in the bed... uhh never mind anyway! Odd tale indeed. Let's look at how this story should have ended. Shall we? Oh Mother. I fear I shall never find a true princess that is truly true. and now it's beginning to rain. Woe is me. Don't despair my darling dear, you deserve a princess. as true as can be. And while the picky prince was at his whiniest

and the storm had reached its stormiest... There came a knock at the castle's front door. The Prince opened the door to find the soggiest, muddiest, least princess-iest looking young woman he had ever seen.

— Hello
— Yes?
— I got separated from my traveling companions during this terrible storm. May I please come in out of the rain?
— I'm sorry, but we are only allowing entrance to true princesses.
— Good day!

But the woman at the door would not give up! She knocked even louder this time.

— Yes?
— I am a true princess. Please let me come in out of the rain.

The prince was confused. Could this soggy, muddy...now grumpy young woman truly be a true princess?

— Of course you can come in, muddy. I mean, my dear.
— Oh thank you, I'm so tired, drenched, and hungry. I've barely slept all on this trip. What I really need is shelter for the night.
— But mother, she's...
— Of course, of course! Why don't you get something to eat and warm up by the fire as we prepare a nice room for you to sleep in tonight.
— Thank you so much!
— But, mother. Why would you..?
— Don't worry, darling. I have the perfect way to test if she is a true princess or not.

So while the soggy princes dried out...the Queen directed her servants to prepare a bed with 20 mattresses

— More? - More!

Then she added 20 soft down comforters

— More?? - More!!!!!

The queen took a single, tiny, green pea and placed it under the massive pile of comforters and mattresses.

— More??? - No. A true princess is sensitive. So if she feels that tiny pea under all back then we will know she is a true princess.
— Why don't we just call the kingdom she says she's from and ask them if she's a princess?
— This is the only way!!

The next morning at breakfast the prince and the Queen anxiously awaited the arrival of the princess. Finally, she dragged herself down the stairs with what the Prince thought were very promising bags under her red, swollen eyes.

— Good morning, my dear.
— How did you sleep last night?
— Sadly, I didn't sleep well at all. Thank you for the room but there was some sort of rock or lump in those mattresses. No matter how I tossed or turned I couldn't get comfortable. I never actually fell asleep.
— Hooray!!! Haha. You passed the test!
— What?! That was all a test! Only a true princess would be sensitive enough to know the pea was there.You passed, and now we know you are a true princess!!
— I showed up on your doorstep drenched, filthy, and exhausted and you decided to test me??
— Umm, yes it was all a test. But you passed, so hooray!! And now you two can get married!
— Yes, married! Hooray!! Hahaha!
— No!! We're not getting married!! What is wrong with you people? That's the meanest thing someone has ever done to me! Why would I want to marry someone who treats women that way??
— Because I'm a prince!
— What was it you said to me last night? Oh right, I remember. Good day!!!
— *gasp* but wait!! You're the only true princess in the land!!
— Yeah, but you're not the only prince!! I'm off to find someone nicer!

And she did find someone nicer. They lived happily ever after and never ate peas. So, the moral of the story... Always be nice to people... and don't hide your vegetables under the bed.

The end!


overly picky  слишком разборчивый
never mind  неважно, не берите в голову
woe is me!  Горе мне!
despair  отчаиваться
deserve  заслуживать
soggy  мокрый; промокший насквозь
 muddy  грязный, перепачканный
 give up  сдаваться
 grumpy  несдержанный, раздражительный; сварливый
 drench  промокать насквозь
 comforter  стёганое ватное одеяло
 anxiously  с волнением
 swollen  опухший
 treat  обращаться, обходиться


How this story should have ended? Как эта история должна была закончиться?
Don’t despair. Не отчаивайся
The soggiest, muddiest, least princess-iest looking young woman he had ever seen. Самая промокшая, грязная, наименее похожая на принцессу женщина, которую он когда-либо видел.
This is the only way.  Это единственный способ
Very promising bags under her red swollen eyes. Очень многообещающие мешки под её опухшими глазами.
What is wrong with you people?  Люди, что с вами не так?

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