В этой статье вы узнаете как сказать по английски несколько очень разговорных и повседневных фраз:

1. поставить будильник
2. поставить напоминание
3. поставить цель
4. накрыть на стол
5. подавать пример

Bonus: несколько упражнений на отработку "Set"  collocations

Как я уже писала в статье про изучение слов с похожим значением и продолжаю писать практически в каждой, лучше учить не отдельные слова, а сразу фразы. Давайте рассмотрим 5 фраз, которые мы используем практически каждый день!

1. set an alarm

Meaning: schedule or program an alarm
Translation: установить, поставить будильник

- I forgot to set the alarm.
- I set the alarm in case we dozed off.

2. set a reminder

Meaning: schedule or program a reminder
Translation: поставить напоминание

- I set reminders to remember important dates.
- I'll set a reminder, just in case.

3. set a goal

Meaning: say what you will achieve in the future
Translation: поставить цель

- It's best to set realistic goals that you can achieve.
- He set a goal for himself of exercising at least three times a week.

4. set the table

Meaning: arrange things on a table for a meal
Translation: накрыть на стол

- You can set the table. Meanwhile, I'll start making dinner.
- They set up tables in the living room for the party.

5. set an example

Meaning: behave in a way others should copy
Translation: подавать пример

- Parents should set an example for their children.
- A good leader sets an example for others.

Упражнения на отработку collocations

1. Сопоставьте фразу и её значение

* set an alarm * set a reminder * set a goal * set the table * set an example
* schedule or program an alarm * schedule or program a reminder * say what you will achieve in the future * arrange things on a table for a meal * behave in a way others should copy

2. Дополните предложения существительными

1. I'll set a [reminder], just in case.
2. Parents should set an [example] for their children.
3. It's best to set realistic [goals] that you can achieve.
4. I forgot to set the [alarm].
5. They set up [tables] in the living room for the party.
6. I set the [alarm] in case we dozed off.
7. He set a [goal] for himself of exercising at least three times a week.
8. A good leader sets an [example] for others.
9. I set [reminders] to remember important dates.
10. You can set the [table]. Meanwhile, I'll start making dinner.

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