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The Infinitive (with or without to) — тест по английскому языку

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Урок добавлен 19.07.24, 1 интерактивное упражнение.

Раздел 1

Modern art is when you buy a picture [cover / to cover*] a hole in the wall and decide the hole is better.

There is a new performance at the theatre. Why not [to see / see*] it?

The aim of a good general is not to fight but [to win* / win] .

It is enough to make a cat [to laugh / laugh*] .

I'm sick and tired of your boasting . If I were you, I should [stop* / to stop] it!

Samuel thought he'd better let sleeping dogs [to lie / lie*] .

Theresa is sure [find / to find*] the appropriate translation of the phrase.

At first nobody liked him, but he turned out [be / to be*] quite decent.

You ought [to follow* / follow] the doctor's instructions if you don't want to fall ill again.

Do you know how [to get* / get] out of the building if there is a fire?

Diplomacy is to do and [say* / to say] the nastiest things in the nicest way.

Lesley thought that he'd rather [join* / to join] the army than stay here having no job, no family.

He, who would catch fish, must not [to mind / mind*] getting wet.

Destiny is not a thing [to be waited for* / be waited for] , it is a thing to be achieved.

There was a lot of traffic, but we managed [get / to get*] to the airport in time.

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