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Way, road, path, route — тест по английскому языку

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Урок добавлен 19.07.24, 1 интерактивное упражнение.

Раздел 1

A [path* / road / way / route] is a track made for walking which is beaten or trodden by the feet.

The [route / road* / path / way] was broad enough for even huge trucks to travel along.

James carefully picked his [path / way* / road / route] among the heaps of gravel.

He left the [way / path* / route / road] along the water and strolled under the trees.

The [path / way / road* / route] to hell is paved with good intentions. (Proverb)

Remember he was a fugitive among them and he knows the smugglers' [paths* / routes / ways / roads] by heart.

He who would arrive at the appointed end must follow a single road and not wander through many [roads / ways* / paths / routes] (Proverb)

They are going to open a new bus [route* / path / road / way] soon.

The nearer the inn the longer the [road* / way / path / route] . (Proverb)

No flowery [way / route / road* / path] leads to glory. (Proverb)

He turned into the [road / route / path* / way] leading across a narrow stream.

He took a narrow [route / path* / road / way] in the woods, hoping to calm himself in the cool afternoon shadows under the trees.

They parted from one another and set forwards upon separate [paths / routes* / roads / ways] .

He ran down the [way / path* / road / route] and was on the way home when he saw a stranger approaching the house.

Which [path / route* / road / way] did you take to travel to Napoli?

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