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Director, manager, chief, boss, head — тест по английскому языку

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Урок добавлен 19.07.24, 1 интерактивное упражнение.

Раздел 1

Norman Brown is managing [boss / manager / director* / chief / head] of a large company.

I am not satisfied with your explanation. I'd like to speak to your [chief / boss* / head / director / manager] .

The opening of the exhibition was attended by the [director* / boss / chief / head / manager] of the Tate Gallery.

In the theatre [manager / director* / chief / boss / head] is a person who stages a play, deciding how to interpret the text, instructing the actors, and so on.

A sales [director* / head / manager / chief / boss] is in charge of organizing the sale of the goods produced.

What does her husband do? - As far as I know he is [boss / chief* / manager / director / head] engineer.

Don't argue with me; I am the [chief / boss* / manager / director / head] here!

I've got to go and see the [boss / manager / director / head* / chief] now.

The head of a local police force is called [chief* / director / manager / boss / head] constable.

I'd like to talk to the [head* / manager / director / chief / boss] waiter.

Scotland Yard sent [Chief* / Head / Boss / Manager / Director] Inspector Ferret to investigate the crime.

The hotel [manager* / chief / boss / head / director] offered them a better room.

Haig has been hotel [director / chief / manager* / head / boss] for many years.

The [head / manager* / director / chief / boss] of the museum is usually called the curator.

Mr. Potboiler is a company [chief / manager / director* / head / boss] .

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