Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Fairly, rather, quite

  1. The child has got a   bad cold.
    • quite
    • fairly
    • rather
  2. We didn't believe them at first, but what they said was   true.
    • rather
    • fairly
    • quite
  3. This wood is   dry. I think it will burn all right.
    • rather
    • quite
    • fairly
  4. The weather is   warm, but rather windy.
    • rather
    • quite
    • fairly
  5. The film was quite exiting, but   frightening.
    • rather
    • fairly
    • quite
  6. I know Jenny   well; we have been neighbors since her family moved in.
    • rather
    • fairly
    • quite
  7. I   enjoyed the concert.
    • quite
    • rather
    • fairly
  8. I can see   well from here.
    • rather
    • quite
    • fairly
  9. Margaret wrote   a good essay.
    • quite
    • fairly
    • rather
  10. Daniela had a   pleasant voice.
    • quite
    • rather
    • fairly
  11. I thought the girl was   pretty.
    • rather
    • fairly
    • quite
  12. It's   a pity Steve couldn't come to the party.
    • quite
    • fairly
    • rather
  13. Sam was   exhausted after the work in the garden.
    • rather
    • quite
    • fairly
  14. Carol is quite intelligent, but   lazy.
    • rather
    • fairly
    • quite
  15. She hasn't   finished reading the book.
    • rather
    • quite
    • fairly

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