Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Price, cost, value, worth

  1. The   of the picture was $100.
    • price
    • value
    • worth
    • cost
  2. William intended to paint his house in the spring and sat by the stove calculating the   of paint and labour.
    • value
    • worth
    • price
    • cost
  3. They found out that the   of the piano made too severe a drain on their recourses.
    • cost
    • value
    • price
    • worth
  4. The   of coffee rose sharply on the world market.
    • value
    • cost
    • price
    • worth
  5. Loss of independence was too high a   to pay for peace.
    • price
    • worth
    • cost
    • value
  6. Gregory paid a high   for his mistakes.
    • price
    • value
    • worth
    • cost
  7. Mary paid fifty dollars for this dress, but I don't think it is   it.
    • cost
    • price
    • value
    • worth
  8. Higher production   usually lead to higher prices.
    • worth
    • values
    • costs
    • prices
  9. What is the   of true friendship?
    • price
    • value
    • cost
    • worth
  10. The highest   a man can pay for a thing is to ask for it. (proverb)
    • value
    • price
    • worth
    • cost
  11. The   of training doctors is borne by the state.
    • price
    • value
    • cost
    • worth
  12. During the flood last spring the dam was saved at the   of several lives.
    • price
    • worth
    • cost
    • value
  13. This book is not   much.
    • cost
    • value
    • price
    • worth
  14. They paid $15000 for their house in 1970, but now it's   at least $25000.
    • value
    • cost
    • price
    • worth
  15. These old icons have considerable   .
    • price
    • worth
    • cost
    • value

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