Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Raise, lift, pick up

  1. When Paul passed the window, he   a blind and looked out.
    • lifted
    • picked up
    • raised
  2. When she entered the room, Mark   himself from the chair to greet her.
    • lifted
    • picked up
    • raised
  3. Edna   her glass of orange juice and lifted it to her lips.
    • picked up
    • lifted
    • raised
  4. Though very often Jimmy does not know the answer he   his hand.
    • raises
    • picks up
    • lifts
  5. Don't   that box; it is too heavy for you.
    • lift
    • pick up
    • raise
  6. Ron   the child gently and carried him out onto the stairs.
    • lifted
    • picked up
    • raised
  7.   the box by the handles.
    • Raise
    • Lift
    • Pick up
  8. He   his voice in defense of his point of view.
    • picked up
    • lifted
    • raised
  9. "Mother will   hell if you wake the baby."
    • lift
    • raise
    • pick up
  10. He   a few books from the lower shelf and started looking through one of them.
    • picked up
    • lifted
    • raised
  11. The man   the mug to his lips and drank on and on.
    • lifted
    • picked up
    • raised
  12. I started to protest, but he   his hand to stop my words.
    • picked up
    • lifted
    • raised
  13. I raised my right hand, and Mike   his left one.
    • lifted
    • raised
    • picked up
  14. Jordan   a hand against his wife's precious possessions, and she decided to punish him.
    • picked up
    • raised
    • lifted
  15. The speaker   his voice above the crowd.
    • picked up
    • lifted
    • raised

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