Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Change, alter, vary, adjust

  1. I am not going to stay in your hotel unless you   the broken bed in my room.
    • to vary
    • to change
    • to adjust
    • to alter
  2. The level at which alcohol becomes harmful to health is not clear and   from time to time.
    • alters
    • varies
    • changes
    • adjusts
  3. I am not going to discuss this, let's   the subject.
    • adjust
    • vary
    • change
    • alter
  4. "Your clothes are in the drawer," she said to me, "so get   and come downstairs."
    • changed
    • altered
    • adjusted
    • varied
  5. It is believed that the criminal might have   his name to escape the law.
    • been adjusting
    • changed
    • varied
    • alter
  6. You need to   your lifestyle, you're in such a bad shape!
    • change
    • alter
    • adjust
    • vary
  7. The chief in this restaurant is very good at   his menu, meals here each time taste different.
    • altering
    • adjusting
    • changing
    • varying
  8. Children's tastes   , but almost all of them like ice-cream.
    • adjust
    • alter
    • change
    • vary
  9. I wish my mom was here, she is good at   my old clothes.
    • varying
    • changing
    • altering
    • adjusted
  10. Under the clock there was a big arrow, on which it was printed:   Here For Trains to London."
    • Adjust
    • Vary
    • Alter
    • Change
  11. The text of laws sometimes can be   to reflect changes in society.
    • varied
    • altered
    • changes
    • adjust
  12. Teaching style should   as much as possible in order to keep both teachers and pupils interested in lessons.
    • change
    • vary
    • alter
    • adjust
  13. DNA of many plants has been   to increase their resistance to frost and droughts.
    • varied
    • change
    • adjusted
    • altered
  14. The bulb in the bathroom has fused, you heed to   it.
    • vary
    • alter
    • change
    • adjust
  15. It was very dark but, when my eyes   , I saw there was someone sitting in the room.
    • altered
    • varied
    • adjusted
    • changed

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