Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Defend, protect, guard

  1. When the dog attacked him, he   himself with a stick.
    • guarded
    • defended
    • protected
  2. Simon   himself against the attacker with a big stick.
    • guarded
    • defended
    • protected
  3. You must apply a coat of wax   the car.
    • to defend
    • to protect
    • to guard
  4.   me from my friends, I can defend myself from my enemies.
    • Defend
    • Protect
    • Guard
  5. Nora's husband said she should not   the children from the real world.
    • protect
    • defend
    • guard
  6. Electric wires are   by a rubber covering.
    • guarded
    • defended
    • protected
  7. In cricket the batsmen wear thick pads   their legs.
    • to defend
    • to protect
    • to guard
  8. It gave him pleasure to watch all her movements and   her every step.
    • defend
    • guard
    • protect
  9. Jeremy wore dark glasses   his eyes from the bright sun.
    • to protect
    • to defend
    • to guard
  10. From the middle of the ceiling,   from the flies by yellow tissue paper, hung a gilt chandelier.
    • protected
    • guarded
    • defended
  11. Sam said he was quite prepared   his views in public if necessary.
    • to protect
    • to guard
    • to defend
  12. In this climate you need a warm coat   you from the cold.
    • to guard
    • to defend
    • to protect
  13. Walter was always quick   his brother against criticism.
    • to protect
    • to guard
    • to defend
  14. A goalkeeper is a player who   his goal area against attacks from the other side.
    • defends
    • guards
    • protects
  15. These vitamins will help   you from infection.
    • to defend
    • to protect
    • to guard

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