Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Begin, start, commence

  1. The girl   playing tennis when she was only seven.
    • began
    • started
    • commenced
  2. Teach the pupils   with a sentence that will get attention and interest.
    • to begin
    • to start
    • to commence
  3. I did not say anything but   the packing.
    • commenced
    • began
    • started
  4. Byron   his literary career by the publication of a small volume of detached poems.
    • commenced
    • started
    • began
  5. Now I am   to understand you.
    • commencing
    • starting
    • beginning
  6. Better never   than never make an end. (proverb)
    • to start
    • to commence
    • to begin
  7. At a critical stage of the experiment he bungled his system of controls and was forced   all over again.
    • to begin
    • to start
    • to commence
  8. It was Vera who   the dispute.
    • started
    • commenced
    • began
  9. The oldest boy, a lad of eleven, had   to work in the mills.
    • commenced
    • started
    • begun
  10. They met and   a very friendly conversation.
    • began
    • commenced
    • started
  11. I would   a practical demonstration, to which Dora would pay profound attention perhaps for five minutes.
    • commence
    • start
    • begin
  12. He entered the courtroom when the witness   to swear on a stack of bibles.
    • began
    • started
    • commenced
  13. The music   and Michael and Edna began to dance.
    • commenced
    • started
    • began
  14. I think it's time I   the ball rolling.
    • commenced
    • began
    • started
  15. At his accustomed hour Mr. Shelby   to doze in his chair.
    • began
    • started
    • commenced

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