Тест по английскому языку Modal Verbs
- Онлайн тест №7 на тему «Modal Verbs».
- Сложность: 5 из 5
- Укажите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков.
I am so angry with them. I kill them!
The situation was bad but it worse.
- would have been
- should be
- could have been
- could
You've been reading all day. You be tired.
It's strange that they be late.
I understand it very well. You explain further.
- mustn't
- shouldn't
- wouldn't
- needn't
You have left your purse in the shop.
It was the principle of the tiling. People to keep their words.
I rather stay at home than go out.
I leave the party early last night. I wasn't very well.
You have just had lunch. You be hungry.
- mustn't
- shouldn't
- can't
- wouldn't
It's a secret. You tell anyone.
- mustn't
- wouldn't
- shouldn't
- needn't
I'll go now. My friends are waiting.
- have to
- be able to
- must
- need
you help me carry this downstairs?
He is terribly fat. He eat too much.
you wait a moment, please?
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- Cry, weep, sob
- Bank, shore, coast, beach, seaside
- Quiet, calm, still, peaceful
- Raise, lift, pick up
- Show, demonstrate, display, exhibit, reveal
- Way, road, path, route
- Shut, close, lock
- Appear, seem, turn out, prove
- Hot, warm, cool, cold, frosty