Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Idea, conception, notion, thought

  1. My mother's   of good manners is very strict.
    • notion
    • idea
    • conception
    • thought
  2. I don't like picnics. Picnicking is not my   of pleasure.
    • thought
    • idea
    • conception
    • notion
  3. I've got a good   of what they want.
    • idea
    • thought
    • notion
    • conception
  4.   is the act or process of thinking, an idea or opinion.
    • Thought
    • Conception
    • Notion
    • Idea
  5. It is not a new   that the history of the world is divided into certain great periods.
    • thought
    • notion
    • idea
    • conception
  6. A time came when she knew him better, and changed her   regarding him.
    • conceptions
    • ideas
    • notions
    • thoughts
  7. The doctrines of free will were not to him literary   ; they were part of his nature.
    • ideas
    • thoughts
    • conceptions
    • notions
  8. His   of education do not correspond to those of most persons.
    • ideas
    • conceptions
    • notions
    • thoughts
  9. Great   like great deeds, need no trumpet. (proverb)
    • conceptions
    • thoughts
    • notions
    • ideas
  10. I want you to stop having silly   about this.
    • thoughts
    • notions
    • ideas
    • conceptions
  11. Great   reduced to practice become great acts.
    • conceptions
    • thoughts
    • notions
    • ideas
  12. Those with the fixed   that human happiness depends on their art, are unstable.
    • ideas
    • conceptions
    • thoughts
    • notions
  13. He could no more help having   about everything than a dog can resist smelling at your heels.
    • thoughts
    • notions
    • ideas
    • conceptions
  14. You shouldn't force your   on other people.
    • ideas
    • thoughts
    • notions
    • conceptions
  15. If I have a   to quit my job, it's my own business.
    • thought
    • conception
    • idea
    • notion

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