Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Another, other, others, the others

  1. I can see only one glove on the shelf. Where is   ?
    • others
    • another
    • the other
    • the others
  2. There were very few pupils in the classroom, so the teacher asked where   were.
    • others
    • another
    • the others
    • the other
  3. Fanny lives on   side of the street.
    • the other
    • another
    • others
    • the others
  4. Will you please put on   record?
    • another
    • others
    • the others
    • the other
  5. In summer some people prefer to stay in town while   go to the country.
    • the others
    • others
    • another
    • the other
  6. There is only one slipper under the bed. Where is   ?
    • the other
    • another
    • the others
    • others
  7. "I was only in love once and that love had an unhappy ending." - "Did she marry   man?" - "No, she married me."
    • the other
    • the others
    • others
    • another
  8. I didn't want to join them for a picnic; I had   fish to fry.
    • another
    • the others
    • other
    • others
  9. Mandy is here. Where are   ?
    • others
    • another
    • the other
    • the others
  10. Jack enjoys spending money which belongs to   .
    • another
    • the others
    • the other
    • others
  11. John and   boys went fishing.
    • others
    • another
    • the other
    • the others
  12. Where are   textbooks I have given you?
    • others
    • the others
    • another
    • the other
  13. Two of the pupils received excellent marks and   got good marks.
    • others
    • the others
    • another
    • the other
  14. I won't say   word about it.
    • the others
    • another
    • the other
    • others
  15. There is only one mitten on the shelf. Where is   , I wonder?
    • the other
    • others
    • the others
    • another

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