Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Hold, keep, retain, preserve

  1. The child was   his mother's hand tightly.
    • holding
    • retaining
    • keeping
    • preserving
  2. There are no secrets better   than the secrets that everybody guesses.
    • retained
    • preserved
    • kept
    • held
  3. She   my hand for a few seconds then let it go.
    • held
    • preserved
    • retained
    • kept
  4. My Grandfather was a farmer and he   a lot of domestic animals.
    • kept
    • preserved
    • held
    • retained
  5. I gave him ten dollars for the food and told him   the change.
    • to preserve
    • to retain
    • to keep
    • to hold
  6. Mary   her hair back with a pin.
    • retained
    • kept
    • held
    • preserved
  7. Jim   his head proudly.
    • kept
    • retained
    • preserved
    • held
  8. Some employers are said to be   , while others are dismissed.
    • retained
    • held
    • preserved
    • kept
  9. She wanted   the keys and give out the books all by herself.
    • to hold
    • to keep
    • to retain
    • to preserve
  10. He got a lot of useful information and tried   it in his head.
    • to hold
    • to keep
    • to retain
    • to preserve
  11. She likes   all things in their proper order.
    • to preserve
    • to keep
    • to hold
    • to retain
  12. I asked my sister   my bag for a while.
    • to preserve
    • to hold
    • to retain
    • to keep
  13. The woman   her dignity by staying calm.
    • retained
    • held
    • kept
    • preserved
  14. That part of Poland which was   by the Russian Empire up to 1915, was completely occupied by the Germans during the first world war.
    • retained
    • held
    • kept
    • preserved
  15. Mr. Boland   a lot of animals on his farm.
    • preserves
    • retains
    • keeps
    • holds

Сохранить себе или поделиться:

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