Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Clever, intelligent, smart

  1. Bessie Lee was a girl of good natural capacity, for she was   in all she did.
    • intelligent
    • smart
    • clever
  2. An   person is able to learn well without much instruction because he possesses quickness of intellect.
    • smart
    • intelligent
    • clever
  3. She didn't pay any attention to his remark however   it might be.
    • clever
    • smart
    • intelligent
  4. The middle class air their moral prejudices in order to pretend that they are in   society.
    • smart
    • intelligent
    • clever
  5. It was a very   suggestion, so we couldn't help accepting it.
    • clever
    • intelligent
    • smart
  6. Ron is not as   as he thinks.
    • intelligent
    • clever
    • smart
  7. Don't be   ! I know all your tricks.
    • smart
    • clever
    • intelligent
  8. He enjoyed telling   jokes and we liked listening to them.
    • clever
    • intelligent
    • smart
  9. It isn't very   of you to have cheated at the exam.
    • intelligent
    • clever
    • smart
  10. Jim was sharp-witted and   , but he lacked good manners.
    • clever
    • intelligent
    • smart
  11. Jack was very   with his hands; he could repair almost anything.
    • smart
    • intelligent
    • clever
  12. George is the most   man I have ever met.
    • clever
    • intelligent
    • smart
  13. The word   means mentally quick and alert able to see a point and grasp a situation.
    • clever
    • intelligent
    • smart
  14. A   fellow could turn a whole thing into indictment.
    • clever
    • intelligent
    • smart
  15. The question is   but your answer is not.
    • smart
    • clever
    • intelligent

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