Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Learn, study, teach

  1. He   his dog how to perform some clever tricks.
    • has studied
    • has learnt
    • has taught
  2.   means to show or help to learn how to do something.
    • To study
    • To teach
    • To learn
  3. It is no use   a pig to play the flute.
    • teaching
    • learning
    • studying
  4. Soon   , soon forgotten.
    • studied
    • learnt
    • taught
  5. I could give you a note to a friend of mine who   night classes.
    • learns
    • teaches
    • studies
  6.   means to get some knowledge or skill by studying or by being taught.
    • To study
    • To learn
    • To teach
  7. Julia   her own face in the mirror and decided she didn't like what she saw.
    • studied
    • learnt
    • taught
  8. George has never   to play the banjo to this day.
    • learnt
    • studied
    • taught
  9. Viola gives all her leisure time to   ancient civilizations.
    • learning
    • studying
    • teaching
  10. Live and   .
    • teach
    • learn
    • study
  11. Experience bought by pain   a lot.
    • teaches
    • studies
    • learns
  12. When he was old enough   a trade, his father took him into his own shop.
    • to teach
    • to study
    • to learn
  13. They   the problem of pollution at present.
    • are studying
    • are teaching
    • are learning
  14. I don't understand German myself. I   it at school, but forgot every word of it.
    • learnt
    • studied
    • taught
  15. I knew a young man once who   to play the bagpipes.
    • was studying
    • was learning
    • was teaching

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