Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Weak, feeble, faint, frail

  1. She called for help in a   voice.
    • feeble
    • faint
    • weak
    • frail
  2. He told himself angrily that he was totally ill-advised to give way to his feelings in this   fashion.
    • frail
    • weak
    • feeble
    • faint
  3. Alan looked terribly offended as if she had touched his   point.
    • weak
    • faint
    • frail
    • feeble
  4. Pam breathed with difficulty and looked terribly frail and pale with   red spots upon her cheeks.
    • faint
    • feeble
    • weak
    • frail
  5. In the fray the   are strong. (Proverb)
    • weak
    • frail
    • feeble
    • faint
  6. Only   traces of the tiger's tracks could be seen.
    • faint
    • weak
    • feeble
    • frail
  7. Paul's   hands were shaking violently.
    • frail
    • weak
    • faint
    • feeble
  8. I haven't the   idea what you are driving at.
    • frailest
    • faintest
    • weakest
    • feeblest
  9. George felt his strength grow   .
    • faint
    • weak
    • frail
    • feeble
  10. Anne was a young woman who looked weak and   , but as a matter of fact she was strong and vigorous.
    • frail
    • feeble
    • faint
    • weak
  11.   means lacking strength; slender and delicate.
    • 'Frail'
    • 'Faint'
    • 'Feeble'
    • 'Weak'
  12. Every man has his   side. (Proverb)
    • weak
    • frail
    • faint
    • feeble
  13. The little green boat looked as light and   as a silvery dandelion seed flung upon the water.
    • feeble
    • frail
    • weak
    • faint
  14. Her words were not convincing at all; they were the result of a   thought that something ought to be said.
    • faint
    • weak
    • feeble
    • frail
  15. The child's breathing became   .
    • weak
    • frail
    • faint
    • feeble

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