Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Appreciate, estimate, value

  1.   means to estimate the money; to have a high opinion of something or somebody.
    • To estimate
    • To appreciate
    • To value
  2. He   honor above riches.
    • estimates
    • appreciates
    • values
  3. Though I   your advice I am not going to take it.
    • value
    • estimate
    • appreciate
  4. Jesse   his opinion no more that the button on her hat.
    • appreciated
    • estimated
    • valued
  5. The property was   at $50.000.
    • appreciated
    • estimated
    • valued
  6. He   money as a man who has been poor values it.
    • appreciates
    • values
    • estimates
  7. Authors like coins grow dear as they grow old. It is the rust we   not the gold.
    • appreciate
    • estimate
    • value
  8. I greatly   your kindness.
    • appreciate
    • value
    • estimate
  9. Now more than ever, he   how much his clinical work meant for him.
    • valued
    • appreciated
    • estimated
  10. We all   a holiday after a year of hard work.
    • appreciate
    • estimate
    • value
  11. They began   the pictures by the Impressionists after the First World War.
    • to estimate
    • to value
    • to appreciate
  12. I   his income to be about $ 1200 a week.
    • estimated
    • valued
    • appreciated
  13. You can't   English poetry unless you understand its rhythm.
    • value
    • estimate
    • appreciate
  14. When I was a child, I didn't understand poetry; it's only now that I can   it.
    • value
    • appreciate
    • estimate
  15. We   that it would take three months to finish the work.
    • valued
    • estimated
    • appreciated

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