Тест по английскому языку Participle
- Онлайн тест №13 на тему «Participle».
- Сложность: 4 из 5
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Anna's spirit though was not broken.
- crushed
- being crushed
- crushing
I heard them in the next room.
- quarreled
- having quarreled
- quarreling
Bitterly , the explorers set out on the return journey.
- being disappointed
- having been disappointed
- disappointed
Mark was seen in a lively conversation.
- having been engaged
- engaged
- being engaged
by the beauty of the girl's face, Lester didn't notice that she was sitting in a wheelchair.
- Being fascinated
- Fascinating
- Fascinated
unwell, Len decided to stay away from classes for a few days.
A large bay window, from the outside wall, overlooked the ocean.
- being projected
- projecting
- projected
Going back to his office, Fisher had a feeling of strong anger and mild grief.
, Derek told Alice one of his invariable jokes and thus avoided the confession.
- Pressed
- Being pressed
- Having been pressed
The captain watched the sailors the steamer.
- unloaded
- having unloaded
- unloading
out of college at the end of the first year, Judy found a secretarial job.
- Dropping
- Being dropped
- Having dropped
their car, they drove on, though it was past midnight.
- Having been repaired
- Repairing
- Having repaired
that it was useless to argue with him, I dropped the subject.
- Seeing
- Having seen
- Having been seen
I like to study sea life. Marine biology is .
- fascinated
- fascinating
- being fascinated
It's a pity my watch is fast again; I've recently had it .
- repaired
- repairing
- being repaired
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- Opportunity, possibility, chance
- Degrees of Comparison
- Finish, end, complete
- Sequence of Tenses
- Present Tenses
- Famous, well-known, celebrated, distinguished, eminent
- Abandon, leave, give up, quit, resign
- Busy, engaged, occupied
- Greedy, mean, stingy
- Cry, weep, sob