Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Choose, elect, select, pick out

  1. Any knight might   any antagonist for combat by touching his shield.
    • select
    • choose
    • elect
    • pick out
  2. The path of life should be   carefully. (Proverb)
    • chosen
    • picked out
    • selected
    • elected
  3. One may by inclination prefer to work at night, but, on grounds of health   to work only by day.
    • elect
    • select
    • choose
    • pick out
  4. He rapidly became famous and was   a member of the Academy of Letters.
    • elected
    • selected
    • picked out
    • chosen
  5. Let him that pays the reckoning,   the lodging. (Proverb)
    • elect
    • choose
    • select
    • pick out
  6.   means to pick out one or more items from a number or a group.
    • 'To choose'
    • 'To pick out'
    • 'To elect'
    • 'To select'
  7. The greedy boy   the largest piece of cake on the plate.
    • chosen
    • selected
    • elected
    • picked out
  8. The rule is given so that you may   the appropriate variant.
    • choose
    • elect
    • pick out
    • select
  9. There are only a few opportunities   from.
    • to pick out
    • to select
    • to choose
    • to elect
  10.   any book you like," Jordan told me.
    • Pick Out
    • Elect
    • Choose
    • Select
  11.   for yourself and use for yourself. (Proverb)
    • Elect
    • Select
    • Pick out
    • Choose
  12.   means not only to choose carefully, but also to single out someone or something.
    • 'To select'
    • 'To elect'
    • 'To choose'
    • 'To pick out'
  13. Anne took me into the study,   a few letters and handed them to me.
    • selected
    • elected
    • picked out
    • chose
  14. Mary took the child into the closet and   a choice apple and gave it to him.
    • selected
    • picked out
    • elected
    • chose
  15. She   six of the best oranges from the pile.
    • picked out
    • elected
    • selected
    • chosen

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