Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Different, various, diverse

  1. Because of various nationalities and ethnic groups which inhabit the country the population of the USA is extremely   .
    • various
    • different
    • diverse
  2. There are   ways of memorizing English words.
    • diverse
    • different
    • various
  3. About two hundred and fifty thousand   kinds of flowers exist in the world.
    • diverse
    • various
    • different
  4.   means not alike, not the same.
    • Various
    • Diverse
    • Different
  5. Honey is made from the nectar which is gathered from   flowers by bees.
    • various
    • diverse
    • different
  6. Today people eat   kinds of cheese in almost all the countries of the world.
    • different
    • diverse
    • various
  7. The two sisters are   in their tastes.
    • various
    • different
    • diverse
  8. This is a   car from the one I drove yesterday.
    • various
    • diverse
    • different
  9. The minister gave   reasons for the government's decision.
    • different
    • diverse
    • various
  10. There are three   colleges in the city.
    • various
    • different
    • diverse
  11. Joe smiled secretively as if he knew something that would make them sing a   tune.
    • different
    • various
    • diverse
  12. In Spain we visited many   places and saw a lot of attractions.
    • various
    • diverse
    • different
  13.   stresses a marked difference in character or nature.
    • Different
    • Various
    • Diverse
  14. These words are   , but the meaning is almost the same.
    • various
    • different
    • diverse
  15. Jane looked   with her new haircut.
    • diverse
    • various
    • different

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