Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Present Simple Questions - Do or Does

  1.   it rain a lot in Vienna?
    • Do
    • Does
  2.   they work here?
    • Do
    • Does
  3.   London have many museums?
    • Does
    • Do
  4.   you like going to the cinema?
    • Do
    • Does
  5. How many cigarettes   you smoke a day?
    • Do
    • Does
  6.   we have to go to the party?
    • Does
    • Do
  7.   it snow a lot in Iceland?
    • Do
    • Does
  8. How much   it cost to fly to Rome?
    • Do
    • Does
  9.   they live in London?
    • Does
    • Do
  10. What   this word mean?
    • Do
    • Does

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