Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Stout, fat, fleshy, plump

  1. Entering the shop, I saw a dowdy very   woman near the counter.
    • fat
    • plump
    • stout
    • fleshy
  2.   means having too much flesh, too plump.
    • 'Stout'
    • 'Fleshy'
    • 'Fat'
    • 'Plump'
  3. After a few minutes Mrs. Mothball, a   portly old lady appeared in the door way and asked us to come in.
    • fleshy
    • plump
    • fat
    • stout
  4. Bob was a   , medium-sized hard-wired brown terrier, very inquisitive and naughty.
    • stout
    • fleshy
    • plump
    • fat
  5. Sharon Quirke was in her late twenties, tall and   , her dark hair brushed away from her face and secured in a small neat knot at the back of her neck.
    • fat
    • stout
    • fleshy
    • plump
  6. There were a series of heavy silver bracelets that clanged together like chains on her   wrists.
    • fat
    • plump
    • fleshy
    • stout
  7. We met Mrs. Johnson who was a   little woman, all smiles and friendliness.
    • stout
    • plump
    • fleshy
    • fat
  8. George licked his   lips, anticipating a square meal.
    • fat
    • stout
    • plump
    • fleshy
  9. The baby had unusually   arms and legs.
    • fleshy
    • plump
    • stout
    • fat
  10. Hillary was sitting quietly in a corner, her   hands folded in her lap.
    • stout
    • fat
    • fleshy
    • plump
  11. Jeremy was a   jolly man, always ready with a good joke.
    • stout
    • fleshy
    • fat
    • plump
  12. Wanda opened the door and there stood an enormously   man with a huge bag.
    • fat
    • stout
    • plump
    • fleshy
  13.   means full and rounded in form.
    • 'Fat'
    • 'Plump'
    • 'Fleshy'
    • 'Stout'
  14. They were a funny couple - Mandy very tall and as thin as a rail and Margaret medium-sized and a bit   , her head hardly reaching her companion's shoulder.
    • plump
    • fleshy
    • fat
    • stout
  15. He was staring into the ugliest face he had ever seen; the man had a bulbous   nose and tiny piercing black eyes on a broad flat face.
    • fat
    • fleshy
    • stout
    • plump

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