Тест по английскому языку Little, small, tiny
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Nick peeped into the garden through a hole in the fence.
No great loss without some gain. (proverb)
Little Pat was a thing with enormous blue eyes and curly blond hair.
A body often harbors a great soul. (proverb)
Sue seems to have spent a fortune on her elegant dress.
The girl looks so ; I wonder what her age is.
I only had a bit to eat this morning and now I feel awfully hungry.
Sam was a boy, knee high to a grasshopper.
knowledge is a dangerous thing. (proverb)
Could you come a way with me?
Adam was just a fellow when his folks moved here.
Johnny had no work and only a sum of money was left in his pocket.
pitches have long ears. (proverb)
They sat down opposite each other at one of the two small tables in the room.
rain lays great dust. (proverb)
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