Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Answer, reply, respond

  1. It was not easy   the teacher's questions.
    • to respond
    • to reply
    • to answer
  2. The porter   my question, but I didn't understand what he had said.
    • answered
    • replied
    • responded
  3.   means to react to something, such as a thing or action.
    • To answer
    • To respond
    • To reply
  4.   is to give as an answer to somebody's words.
    • To respond
    • To reply
    • To answer
  5. I asked Jeff a question about his family; he looked at me as if he didn't know how   .
    • to respond
    • to answer
    • to reply
  6. "I say Paul, how are you going   to criticism?"
    • to respond
    • to reply
    • to answer
  7.   means to answer to something or somebody with actions rather than words.
    • To reply
    • To respond
    • To answer
  8. "Why didn't you   to your friend's appeal for help?"
    • answer
    • respond
    • reply
  9. "Where did Admiral Nelson win his last victory?" the teacher asked. "On page 127,"   the pupil.
    • answered
    • responded
    • replied
  10. "How long mice live?" asked the teacher. "It depends on the cat,"   the pupil.
    • replied
    • responded
    • answered
  11. Little Timothy touched the top can and it   with a loud crash.
    • replied
    • responded
    • answered
  12. Shall I   this question? I don't like it.
    • respond
    • answer
    • reply
  13. When Jack insulted Jill, she   with a kick.
    • replied
    • responded
    • answered
  14. Did John   to your letter?
    • respond
    • reply
    • answer
  15. "Son, you're always asking questions. What would have happened if I'd asked as many questions when I was a boy?" "Dad, maybe you'd have been able   some of mine today."
    • to reply
    • to answer
    • to respond

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