Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Passive Voice

  1. Robert Burns   a lot of wonderful poems.
    • has written
    • wrote
    • was written
  2. The book   by Hardy.
    • wrote
    • was written
    • was wrote
  3. The secretary   to her new boss yesterday.
    • was introduced
    • is introduced
    • introduced
  4. A new supermarket   next year.
    • will be built
    • is building
    • will built
  5. Local police   the bank robber.
    • was arrested
    • have been arrested
    • have arrested
  6. Battle Creek is a hard-working city, where businesses   dedicated employees who want to build a good life for their families.
    • found
    • have not found
    • have found
  7. A famous architect   the bridge.
    • was built
    • built
    • have built
  8. This is a large hall. Many parties   here.
    • are held
    • are being held
    • has been held
  9. Detroit   as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is the capital city of Michigan.
    • chosen
    • have been chosen
    • was chosen
  10. It's a big company. It   two hundred people.
    • employing
    • is employed
    • employs
  11. A prize   to whoever solves this equation.
    • will be given
    • gives
    • will be giving
  12. A cinema is a place where films   .
    • show
    • have been shown
    • are shown
  13. The five great lakes of the world   in Michigan.
    • can find
    • can be found
    • can found
  14. Everybody   by the terrible news yesterday.
    • is shocking
    • was shocked
    • shocked
  15. This house   in 1930.
    • built
    • has built
    • was built

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