Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Shout, cry, scream, shriek

  1. "Don't   out the answer," the teacher said to the pupils.
    • cry
    • shriek
    • scream
    • shout
  2. I listened to the seabirds   above the still water of the sea.
    • crying
    • shrieking
    • shouting
    • screaming
  3. What is the use of   at each other?
    • crying
    • shrieking
    • screaming
    • shouting
  4. The young man   to attract attention.
    • screamed
    • shouted
    • shrieked
    • cried
  5. The children   for delight when their mother promised to take them to the zoo.
    • shrieked
    • cried
    • shouted
    • screamed
  6. Above the still sea water the seagulls   and fought for food.
    • shrieked
    • shouted
    • screamed
    • cried
  7. She   and banged her fists against the door but with no result.
    • screamed
    • cried
    • shrieked
    • shouted
  8. Jim   to the porter to see to his luggage.
    • screamed
    • shrieked
    • shouted
    • cried
  9. The little girl was   herself into fits, and her mother could not pacify her.
    • crying
    • shouting
    • shrieking
    • screaming
  10. "Hello!" he   joyfully from the door.
    • screamed
    • cried
    • shouted
    • shrieked
  11. There is no need   ; I can hear you very well.
    • to shriek
    • to shout
    • to cry
    • to scream
  12. He   loudly, his voice trembling with anger.
    • cried
    • shouted
    • screamed
    • shrieked
  13.   means to say or cry out in a loud voice.
    • To scream
    • To shout
    • To cry
    • To shriek
  14. It was very noisy in the room and I had   at the top of my voice to make myself heard.
    • to scream
    • to shout
    • to cry
    • to shriek
  15. "Send a lady's maid to me," Mrs. Crawley   in great anger.
    • screamed
    • shrieked
    • cried
    • shouted

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