Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Afraid, frightened, scared, fearful

  1. I am   the result is not what you expected.
    • frightened
    • scared
    • afraid
    • fearful
  2. The man was   by the colonel's disheveled appearance and barred the way as if afraid that the other was going to use force.
    • fearful
    • afraid
    • frightened
    • scared
  3. He that is   of the wagging of feathers must keep from wild fowl. (a proverb)
    • afraid
    • frightened
    • scared
    • fearful
  4. Little Philip had broken his mother's favorite vase and was   of her anger.
    • scared
    • fearful
    • afraid
    • frightened
  5. That day she was   to be left alone.
    • scared
    • afraid
    • fearful
    • frightened
  6.   of trouble, she stuffed the few dollars she possessed into her satchel.
    • Frightened
    • Scared
    • Afraid
    • Fearful
  7. He who lives near a wood is not   by owls. (a proverb)
    • afraid
    • fearful
    • scared
    • frightened
  8. If Nora was   when she arrived, she was now in a panic of fear.
    • afraid
    • frightened
    • fearful
    • scared
  9. He that is   of wounds must not come to battle. (a proverb)
    • scared
    • afraid
    • fearful
    • frightened
  10. I have always been   to fly in a plane.
    • scared
    • frightened
    • fearful
    • afraid
  11. Ronald was a good deal   and affected at seeing his old flame in this tearful condition.
    • frightened
    • scared
    • fearful
    • afraid
  12. William is a coward; he is easily   .
    • frightened
    • afraid
    • fearful
    • scared
  13. Tory was more   than hurt.
    • scared
    • afraid
    • fearful
    • frightened
  14.   means feeling or causing fear; it implies a painful and deep emotion.
    • Fearful
    • Scared
    • Afraid
    • Frightened
  15. He that has nothing is   at nothing. (a proverb)
    • scared
    • fearful
    • frightened
    • afraid

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