Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Happy, lucky, fortunate

  1. Tim is always gloomy; he never really looks   .
    • happy
    • lucky
    • fortunate
  2. I could hear   voices of the children, who were playing in the garden.
    • fortunate
    • lucky
    • happy
  3. It was a   chance that he met the girl who later became his wife.
    • fortunate
    • lucky
    • happy
  4.   men shall have many friends. (proverb)
    • Lucky
    • Happy
    • Fortunate
  5. My Grandfather had a long but not a very   life.
    • happy
    • fortunate
    • lucky
  6. I don't have my   stars because nothing brings me luck or success in life.
    • lucky
    • happy
    • fortunate
  7. He made his fortune by   investments.
    • lucky
    • fortunate
    • happy
  8. Jack was a dexterous and   player.
    • lucky
    • fortunate
    • happy
  9. It was a   find, those eighty dollars which he had discovered in the pocket of his old jeans.
    • happy
    • fortunate
    • lucky
  10. You have been   in choosing your time.
    • happy
    • fortunate
    • lucky
  11. Sam is not a very industrious student, but he is always   at the exams.
    • fortunate
    • happy
    • lucky
  12. A   man always obtains what he wishes.
    • fortunate
    • happy
    • lucky
  13. It is the   who should praise fortune. (proverb)
    • happy
    • lucky
    • fortunate
  14. When I talked to her over the phone last night, she sounded quite   .
    • fortunate
    • happy
    • lucky
  15. Sam said it would be nice to stop at the restaurant during   hour and have a few drinks.
    • happy
    • lucky
    • fortunate

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