Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Advantage, benefit, profit, gain

  1. The cheering of the fans can be   for the home team.
    • a profit
    • an advantage
    • a gain
    • a benefit
  2. I got no personal   from the business.
    • gain
    • advantage
    • profit
    • benefit
  3.   means gain of any kind; benefit or advantage.
    • Gain
    • Benefit
    • Profit
    • Advantage
  4. Good health is one of the   of exercising.
    • benefits
    • profits
    • advantages
    • gains
  5. The baby had a   of half a pound.
    • profit
    • benefit
    • advantage
    • gain
  6. Living in a big city has many   , such as good schools, libraries and theatres.
    • gains
    • profits
    • benefits
    • advantages
  7. No pains, no   . (a proverb)
    • benefits
    • profits
    • advantages
    • gains
  8. The burglar took   of our absence and got into the house.
    • profit
    • benefit
    • gain
    • advantage
  9. He had the   over the other boys of being born into a rich family.
    • advantage
    • gain
    • profit
    • benefit
  10. Jim has derived much   from his popularity and fame.
    • benefit
    • advantage
    • profit
    • gain
  11. It was done for your   .
    • gain
    • advantage
    • benefit
    • profit
  12. Speak louder for the   of those in the rear.
    • profits
    • gains
    • benefit
    • advantage
  13. It was done for your special   .
    • gain
    • benefit
    • advantage
    • profit
  14. A vacation will be a   for the whole family.
    • gain
    • advantage
    • profit
    • benefit
  15. I am sure you'll gain a lot of   from your experience.
    • benefit
    • profit
    • advantage
    • gain

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