Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Do, make

  1. It is difficult to work when you are   so much noise.
    • making
    • doing
    • do
    • make
  2. Empty vessels   the greatest sound.
    • do
    • made
    • make
    • did
  3. Who   the cooking in your family?
    • made
    • did
    • does
    • makes
  4. Hob was too tired   any work.
    • made
    • to do
    • to make
    • did
  5. Which exercise did you   yesterday?
    • do
    • did
    • make
    • made
  6. He   a good speech at the meeting.
    • do
    • did
    • make
    • made
  7. Better   well than to say well.
    • to make
    • do
    • to do
    • make
  8.   hay while the sun shines.
    • To do
    • Do
    • Make
    • To make
  9. William   his best to help his friend.
    • make
    • did
    • made
    • do
  10. Come in and   yourself at home.
    • did
    • make
    • do
    • made
  11. When do you usually   your homework in the evening or in the afternoon?
    • did
    • do
    • made
    • make
  12. I have a suggestion   . Let's do something useful.
    • did
    • to do
    • make
    • to make
  13. Mrs. Simons   all the work about the house; there was nobody to help her.
    • do
    • did
    • made
    • make
  14. There is always a lot of housework for me   .
    • to make
    • to do
    • made
    • did
  15. Have you   sure everything is in order?
    • done
    • do
    • make
    • made

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