Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Busy, engaged, occupied

  1. They didn't see me enter the office because everyone was   in his own business.
    • busy
    • engaged
    • occupied
  2. Each day was so many hours long since Martin was not   with writing or studying.
    • busy
    • engaged
    • occupied
  3. Alan's life was fully   ; he had neither strength nor leisure for going into society.
    • engaged
    • busy
    • occupied
  4. Sam was usually too   at work.
    • busy
    • engaged
    • occupied
  5. It was a semi-detached house the left part of which was   by an elderly gentleman and his wife.
    • occupied
    • busy
    • engaged
  6. The woman was too   with the children to take even a short rest.
    • engaged
    • occupied
    • busy
  7. George was   in applying a knife to the end of a cigar.
    • busy
    • engaged
    • occupied
  8. The adjective   means to be busy, to spend time doing something.
    • "engaged"
    • "occupied"
    • "busy"
  9. We had a very   morning on the eve of our departure.
    • busy
    • engaged
    • occupied
  10. Her mind was   with many anxieties.
    • busy
    • occupied
    • engaged
  11. The adjective   means to be busy with something, to be employed.
    • "engaged"
    • "occupied"
    • "busy"
  12. I am sorry, but this seat is   .
    • occupied
    • engaged
    • busy
  13. We have had a very   day and not quite a wasted one.
    • occupied
    • engaged
    • busy
  14. Amalia was   in a lively conversation with a tall gentleman.
    • busy
    • engaged
    • occupied
  15. It was a   day; the telephones were ringing and the people were hurrying to and fro.
    • occupied
    • engaged
    • busy

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