Тест по английскому языку The Infinitive (complex object)
- Онлайн тест №15 на тему «The Infinitive (complex object)».
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We expected in ballroom dancing championships.
- them take part
- them to take part
- they to take part
Have you ever seen in public places?
- my daughter to misbehave
- my daughter misbehave
- my daughter to misbehaving
Let whatever they want; I don't care.
- they think
- them to think
- them think
Mr. Bobkins had him the necessary papers to sign.
- his secretary bringing
- his secretary to bring
- his secretary bring
We looked at the sky and saw in the clouds.
- the plane to be disappearing
- the plane to have disappeared
- the plane disappear
Jeremy didn't want his daughter an actress.
- to have become
- to become
- become
I am sorry I didn't hear my name.
- that you call
- you to call
- you call
The last drop makes .
- the cup running over
- the cup run over
- the cups run over
I don't want David. He will be angry.
- you to be disturbed
- you to disturb
- that you disturb
Sally felt to tremble.
- her hands begin
- her hands to begin
- her hands to have begun
Have you ever known on time? He has never been punctual.
- him to be coming
- him to come
- he to come
The people on the platform watched at the station.
- the train arrive
- the train to arrive
- the train arrived
Linda has never believed any common sense.
- her husband having
- her husband to have had
- her husband to have
Tim heard and saw a woman appear in the doorway.
- the floor boards to creak
- the floor boards creak
- the floor boards creaking
Why didn't you let her own way?
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- Offer, suggest
- Clever, intelligent, smart
- Something, everything, nothing, nobody
- Word Order
- Learn, study, teach
- Choose, elect, select, pick out
- Take, bring, carry
- Quantity, number, amount, count
- Way, road, path, route
- Price, cost, value, worth