Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Master, owner, host

  1.   is a person who owns something.
    • A master
    • An owner
    • A host
  2. I liked the picture and asked the   to sell it to me.
    • host
    • master
    • owner
  3. Though many years passed the dog still remembered its old   .
    • host
    • owner
    • master
  4. "Don't tell me what I should do! I am my own   ," Jack cried angrily.
    • owner
    • host
    • master
  5. Steve is the head of the family; he is the   of the household.
    • owner
    • host
    • master
  6. At the home-coming ball Bill Goodchild acted as   of ceremonies.
    • host
    • owner
    • master
  7. The   showed his guests to their rooms.
    • host
    • owner
    • master
  8. Have you seen the   of the car? His car has blocked my way.
    • host
    • owner
    • master
  9. "Come on in and make yourselves at home," the   told her visitors.
    • mistress
    • hostess
    • owner
  10. Do you happen to know who the   of this disk is?
    • owner
    • master
    • host
  11. Who is the head of the family? - Mr. Hobson is the   here.
    • master
    • host
    • owner
  12. You can trust Paul; he is the   of his word.
    • owner
    • master
    • host
  13. The   asked me if I wanted another helping of the salad.
    • mistress
    • hostess
    • owner
  14. The   of the house was a tall stout lady about 70.
    • mistress
    • hostess
    • owner
  15. How much do you know about the   of the boat?
    • master
    • owner
    • host

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