Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Greedy, mean, stingy

  1. Tom has always been   ; he has never been generous.
    • stingy
    • greedy
    • mean
  2. Don't be   , Mike! Give me some more discs; you have plenty of them.
    • greedy
    • mean
    • stingy
  3. Please, don't be   Kevin. I want to take your dictionary only for a minute.
    • greedy
    • mean
    • stingy
  4. When her friend offered her some apples, Sue took nearly all of them. Don't you think she is   ?
    • stingy
    • greedy
    • mean
  5. Paul has a lot of fruit in his garden, but being   he never shares it with anyone.
    • mean
    • stingy
    • greedy
  6. Ben is   . When he goes somewhere with other people, he always tries to avoid paying.
    • stingy
    • mean
    • greedy
  7. Don't be   , Helen! Leave some sweets for the others.
    • greedy
    • mean
    • stingy
  8. It is   of you to have eaten all the peaches!
    • greedy
    • mean
    • stingy
  9. Tim is   ; he never buys toys to his children.
    • mean
    • stingy
    • greedy
  10. The little boy was not naughty; he was just   for attention.
    • mean
    • stingy
    • greedy
  11.   people are selfish; they never think about the needs of other people.
    • Greedy
    • Stingy
    • Mean
  12. Ronald is an ambitious man; he is   for popularity.
    • greedy
    • stingy
    • mean
  13. William is envious and   . He always wants to get more than he really needs.
    • stingy
    • mean
    • greedy
  14. Tony is   . He can afford to sit in the best seats at the theatre, but he always buys the cheapest tickets.
    • mean
    • stingy
    • greedy
  15. Sam has bought more food than it is reasonable. I am sure he is   .
    • stingy
    • greedy
    • mean

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