Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Trade, profession, occupation

  1. A career is a job or   for which a person is trained and which he intends to follow for his entire life.
    • profession
    • trade
    • occupation
  2. Have you decided yet what your future   will be?
    • trade
    • occupation
    • profession
  3. Sam would like to learn the   of a welder.
    • occupation
    • profession
    • trade
  4. I took my broken watch to Mr. Tylor; he is a clock repairer by   .
    • occupation
    • profession
    • trade
  5. John was at a loss whether to choose the   of a chemist or that of a physicist.
    • occupation
    • trade
    • profession
  6. Jack of all   and master of none. (a proverb)
    • occupations
    • trades
    • professions
  7. Miss Peterson works in a college; she teaches students the   of a tailor.
    • profession
    • occupation
    • trade
  8. Tim left his   as an actor and became a painter.
    • profession
    • occupation
    • trade
  9. Knitting was a useful   for Kathy during long winter evenings.
    • occupation
    • trade
    • profession
  10. This community college teaches many useful   .
    • trades
    • occupations
    • professions
  11. What is your father's   ? What does he do for a living?
    • trade
    • profession
    • occupation
  12. I like the   of a lawyer; it is a person who advises people about the law.
    • trade
    • profession
    • occupation
  13. If you have an interesting   , you are lucky.
    • trade
    • profession
    • occupation
  14. Did you know that Jimmy had taken up the   of a literary critic?
    • profession
    • occupation
    • trade
  15. It is quite obvious that Linda likes her   of a computer programmer.
    • trade
    • profession
    • occupation

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