Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Pull, drag, draw

  1. "If you are not careful with what you say in public, you can easily   fire."
    • draw
    • pull
    • drag
  2. A little girl was   an old doll behind her.
    • pulling
    • dragging
    • drawing
  3. The workers were   a telephone wire across the yard.
    • drawing
    • pulling
    • dragging
  4. The little boy complained that a bigger boy   his ears.
    • pulled
    • dragged
    • drew
  5. The child didn't want to walk and the mother had   him behind her.
    • to drag
    • to pull
    • to draw
  6. The little boy was   at his mother's dress to attract her attention.
    • pulling
    • drawing
    • dragging
  7. I saw the children   their sledges up the snow hill.
    • drawing
    • pulling
    • dragging
  8. He disappeared from the window so suddenly that it seemed to her that he had been   back by some great force from behind.
    • pulled
    • drawn
    • dragged
  9. The exhibition of modern art   little interest of the public at large.
    • pulled
    • drew
    • dragged
  10. "Don't   my hair! You are hurting me."
    • drag
    • pull
    • draw
  11. She   the soft comforter over her body and legs.
    • drew
    • dragged
    • pulled
  12. Tina   a heavy box from under the table.
    • dragged
    • pulled
    • drew
  13. The drawer must have got stuck; I can't   it out.
    • draw
    • drag
    • pull
  14. The fishermen were   a net full of fish.
    • dragging
    • drawing
    • pulling
  15. Do you see this string? If you   it, you can shut the window.
    • draw
    • pull
    • drag

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