Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Big, large, great

  1. The performance was a   success.
    • great
    • big
    • large
  2. Anna felt very cold and strange, with   pain in her head.
    • great
    • big
    • large
  3.   winds blow upon high hills. (proverb)
    • Large
    • Great
    • Big
  4. This man used to be a   shot in the shipbuilding industry.
    • big
    • great
    • large
  5.   men are seldom over-scrupulous in the arrangement of their attire.
    • Great
    • Big
    • Large
  6. Lorna was a   stout woman tired from the burden of her flesh.
    • great
    • large
    • big
  7. The man had a   face and cruel black eyes.
    • great
    • big
    • large
  8. This new powerful computer is the   thing since sliced bread.
    • biggest
    • greatest
    • largest
  9. A man with a   family needs a large house.
    • great
    • big
    • large
  10. I believe Hubert has a very   income.
    • big
    • great
    • large
  11. No   loss without some small gain. (proverb)
    • large
    • big
    • great
  12. Little thieves are hanged, but   ones escape. (proverb)
    • large
    • big
    • great
  13. A   ship asks deep waters. (proverb)
    • large
    • great
    • big
  14.   barkers are no biters. (proverb)
    • Big
    • Large
    • Great
  15. It is not enough to have   qualities; one must make good use of them.
    • large
    • great
    • big

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