Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Understand, realize, grasp

  1. Kitty only imperfectly   the rudiments of the sciences.
    • realized
    • understood
    • grasped
  2. You   the whole thing now, don't you?
    • understand
    • grasp
    • realize
  3. I had never   till this moment the meaning of her suggestion.
    • grasped
    • understood
    • realized
  4. We   matters of ordinary discourse and the practical business of life.
    • understand
    • grasp
    • realize
  5. I don't think he   his mistake.
    • realized
    • grasped
    • understood
  6. What we do not   we do not possess. (proverb)
    • grasp
    • realize
    • understand
  7. You don't seem   how hard their life is.
    • to realize
    • to understand
    • to grasp
  8. Suddenly he   that he was alone in the building.
    • grasped
    • realized
    • understood
  9. Their heads were in such a confused whirl that they were incapable of   anything.
    • grasping
    • understanding
    • realizing
  10. He did not   the music she played.
    • realize
    • grasp
    • understand
  11. I can quite   how you feel.
    • grasp
    • realize
    • understand
  12. She suddenly   that he was quite serious about resigning.
    • realized
    • grasped
    • understood
  13. It is better   little than to misunderstand a lot.
    • to understand
    • to grasp
    • to realize
  14. I   that you are busy, but perhaps you could help me for a moment.
    • realize
    • understand
    • grasp
  15. Some students don't seem   the importance of hard work.
    • to realize
    • to grasp
    • to understand

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